The Perfect Honeymoon on a Budget
New couples rarely have vast sums of money to spend on their honeymoon. However, every new couple deserves the perfect honeymoon – one without compromises based on expense. In my decades of experience as a travel agent, I have isolated the factors that allow any new couple to have the perfect honeymoon – regardless of their budget.
Why money doesn’t matter
Even though money and budget is the first thing most people think about first when they think about booking a Honeymoon, it is factually one of the least important factors. I’ve met people who had unlimited resources who still had lousy vacations. Why? Having a Perfect Vacation is not at all related to having money. Money allows you to do and buy things, sure – but if you don’t know what to do or buy – or if you spend your money on what you think will make you happy and you have made a wrong decision, then it doesn’t matter how much money you have or don’t have.
The first thing to decide when choosing a honeymoon
So let’s set aside money for the moment. What do you want to achieve on your Honeymoon? List out every single thing you’d like to achieve, whether it’s relaxation, lasting memories, new experiences, exercise, adventure, shopping, great food – whatever you want to get out of your time together, write it down. Next, prioritize your list. Number the items from most to least important. Finally, have your fiance do the same thing.
Getting the help you need to choose a Perfect Honeymoon
Now that you’ve made your list, I’d like to point something out. You can achieve those goals at many different locations – and at any budget. It isn’t true that you must travel across the planet to have the Perfect Honeymoon. The trick is to find someone with decades of travel experience to help you make your priorities happen. Knowing your Honeymoon priorities, a good travel agent can work within your budget to make your perfect honeymoon happen.
I’d like to invite you to fill out my perfect honeymoon finder. It is a fun and fast series of questions that I use to help you choose your Perfect Honeymoon. There is no obligation to work with me further, and it is completely free. Go ahead and fill out my free Perfect Honeymoon Finder now. I’ll respond to you within 1 – 2 days, and give you an analysis that will help you find your Perfect Dream Honeymoon!